They are apparently both aware that the end of Elijah's life is near, and Elisha is being prepared to take over Elijah's ministry. God inspired 1 and 2 Kings to retell the history of his people and remind them of his promises, assure them that his promises had not failed, David Mathis explains on, and declare that his word remained as sure as ever.. In 2 Kings 1, Elijah again called down fire from heaven to slay two groups of 50 men sent from King Ahaziah. . How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? The first stage is to do with separation. Thanks for the sleuthing, but I'm still thinking there's a connection to Joshua. What do you think of when you hear of Jericho? Bit of a strange answer don't you think? * [2:12] My father: a religious title accorded prophetic leaders; cf. Among the many who profess the Christian faith, scarcely one in a thousand reveal any passionate thirst for God.'. Moody Publishers, Chicago, copyright 2014. Bible Study Elisha's Journey How far do you want to go? What a fantastic attitude and a great picture for our lives. How to Simplify expression into partial Trignometric form? Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. * Israels chariot and steeds! Then he saw him no longer. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.' Unfortunately, the girl in second place, who had crashed earlier, had a lot more momentum and went past her just before the finish line. * [2:2324] This story probably was told to warn children of the importance of respect for prophets. She ended up coming second. What is the author saying by showing Elijah take this path at the command of the LORD? This Gilgal does not Ok, so you already know that Elisha went as far as the Jordan so no prizes there! NIV Application Commentary. Have a look in Genesis chapter 28: Genesis 28:10-19 Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Haran. And you will remember that what we also looked at the testing of Elisha. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Predicted drought as Gods punishment; prophesied against kings Ahab and Ahaziah of Israel at capital city of Samaria in ninth century B.C. One wonders if there were not tears in both of their eyes as they made this final journey together. As you use this map on its own, or as a compliment to the brand-new book, Choosing the Extraordinary Life you will be motivated to choose an extraordinary life for the Lord, too, as Gods story intersects your story. At each step of the journey Elijah was saying 'stay here, don't go any further' and he was testing Elisha to see if Elisha would stay with him and how much Elisha wanted to follow him and to be with him. Elisha's Life and Death Pointed to God as the Source of Life and Power, Now Elisha had been suffering from the illness from which he died. The miraculous account of the transfiguration was also recorded by Mark and Matthew. March 24, 2021. The next stop in Elisha's journey was Jericho. So the two of them walked on. The nation had turned away from the Lord to worship Baal, and King Ahab had formed an alliance with Sidon by marrying their princess, Jezebel. Crossing Jordan in hymnology signals death/rest but not in the Scripture. So Gilgal speaks of being separate Bethel speaks of the presence of God and Jericho teaches about the walk of faith. Unknowingly, Elijah would soon be taken from Elisha to be with God. So this is the second stage. But he said 'No, I haven't come to take sides. 2 Kings 2:2 states that Elijah and Elisha "went down to Bethel" from Gilgal, suggesting that the place was in the vicinity of Bethel, and hence in a mountainous region (and at higher elevation than Bethel), which is somewhat different from the place associated with Joshua. The prophecies and miracles of Elijah and Elisha were proof to them of the One True God. We need to be reminded that God is a living God and that He acts on behalf of His people. The author of 2 Kings records Elijahs body being swiftly taken up to heaven, without having to experience an earthly death. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! You are God- the living, active, fire-sending, sin-hating, idolotry-destroying, prayer-hearting, personal God., And Elisha prayed, Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see. Then the LORD opened the servants eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.2 Kings 6:17 NIV, Elisha means, My God is salvation. This prophets ministry called the people back to a saving faith, in which knowledge of God allows us to see through a different perspective. "Then I'll come with you." "Go back," Elijah replied. The LORD has sent me on to Jericho. Elisha replied, As the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you. So they came to Jericho. Elijah dares Ahab to a challenge of his deity, Baal, versus the God of Elijah at Mount Carmel. He starts in Gilgal, which is a throwback to Egypt. Quite often, when he is at church, he will throw his son up in the air and just catch him. xix. Moody Bible Commentary. Mount Carmel and Elijah's flight to Beersheba. 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Ways Anxiety Dominates the Christian Mind. He goes through Bethel, where (like at Sinai with Moses) insolence and insubordination was evident toward Gods prophet, Elisha (2 Kings 2:23). condemned by the Prophets (Amos iv. An angel appears to him there, sitting under the broom tree . 30, the also II Sam. of stones. Miraculous feeding by ravens while in hiding around the Brook Cherith. He starts in Gilgal, which is a throwback to Egypt. I will try to answer with emphasis on spiritual significance. Fled to Beersheba and Mt. which should rather be identified with Jiljilya, southwest of Shiloh. The World of the Old Testament. Carmel. (See Matt 10:39, 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33, John 12:25). Notice that Jesus, while thinking of the cross, said that 'where I am, my servant will be also.' High Resolution Map. 16), We act like He doesn't even know about the situation that we are going through. You are not a tradition. 2 Kings 4 Elisha's identification and resurrection of a boy! It is possible that there are as many as four different locations referred to as Gilgal in the bible. [5] A friend of mine has a son who is about 18 months old. [2] I read a quote from A. W. Tozer recently. In their final moments, the genuine love and loyalty of theirfriendship is displayed through their conversation. In light of the fact that separate Gilgal's are most likely in mind here, one perspective is that neither Elijah nor Elisha were retracing Joshua's conquest. Walk on with the Lord. It seems his impending departure was in some sense enjoined with some sense of dangers and Elijah seems to wish Elisha saftey from the dangers, but whether he inteded to be testing Elisha's commitment or not, the situation does seem to draw out Eliasha as a faithful disciple. Elijah's Journey. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. (Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 22And the water has stayed pure even to this day, according to the word Elisha had spoken. Jericho was the first city Israel conquered in the land and was claimed as the first fruits by the Lord so placed under the ban. It's a bit of a classic. Through great faith, love, and obedience, their lives brought great glory to God in heaven. In a miraculous visual of a chariot of fire and horses of fire, Elisha witnessed the a glimpse of a spiritual world which is always active, but not often seen by human eyes here on earth. Now the first real mention of Jericho is back where we were before in Joshua. For example, the author of the Book of Hebrews enters his theological discourse by indicating that the "rest" of God follows death (see Hebrews Chap. Elijah is another pilgrim but his journey ended in a more visible entrance into the Lord's presence. When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have all the people give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the people will go up, every man straight in.'. Elijah Was Taken Up to Heaven. When Elisha saw that these faithful people of God could not meet their ordinary financial needs or feed themselves, his miracles met those needs, Ligonier Ministries explains, Our Lord loves to bless His people extravagantly. Especially after walking with Elijah as his mentor for many years, I wonder if Elisha was brimming with excitement over what God would do through him. The Conquest Of Canaan. 870-795 BC. He said to the Israelites, 'In the future when your descendants ask their fathers, 'What do these stones mean?' Let them go in search of your master. Elisha, Naaman and the offense of the cross Bible study, 2 Kings 6: Elisha, Aram and the invisible chariots of fire study, 2 Kings 6:24-7:20: Elisha's faith and our breaking point. Please take the Tour and see the Help (below). High Resolution Map. The principle that states that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides ALONE. (Walk by faith and not righteousness or strength). Joshua went up to him and asked, ' Are you for us or for our enemies?' Horeb to escape the wrath of Queen Jezebel. The Bethel is a throwback to Sinai, when the dwelling of God came to earth. true. Orthodox Christianity has fallen to its present lower state from lack of spiritual desire. And Elisha passed the test saying (in so many words!) Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story, The Ten Commandments - Bible Verses and Importance Today, Parable of the Prodigal Son - Bible Story, The Resurrection of Jesus - Bible Story and Prophecy, How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. "When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal." ( 2 Kings 2:1) The author of 2 Kings . He comes to take over the situation. I don't know about you but it's hard living in this world. My father! 19g The inhabitants of the city complained to Elisha, The site of the city is fine indeed, as my lord can see, but the water is bad and the land sterile. The king was looking for military help, Harry E. Shields with the Moody Bible Commentary explained, but the prophet realized that help ultimately comes from God. As he did throughout his ministry, Elisha pointed to the true source of life and power, the One True God. 12) Jehu, king of Israel (2 Kings 9-10). And the Lord doesn't come merely 'to help'. At the same time, there are scholars who would consider the Gilgal in the Joshua account to be the same as that of the Elijah/Elisha narrative, but even then the exact location is not agreed upon so it is difficult to speculate as to whether or not this route is actually "out of the way" or not. Features compelling facts and clear teaching about Elijahs extraordinary life, Youll follow the prophets footsteps from his humble beginnings in Tishbe, to his dramatic exit into heaven on the far side of the Jordan River. Above the altar, Elijah is depicted praying beneath a locust bean (carob) tree. iv. 587 BC. It's not good enough that I just started well and I'm okay at the moment. Assyrian Captivity. It is so important to not just talk the talk, but to actually walk the walk in the Christian life. Elijah was a mighty prophet during a turbulent time in Israel's history. Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and the Jordan. Most theories stick with two cities named Gilgal: one in Samaria and one near Jericho. Walls comin' a tumbling down! Most of A. W. Tozer's quotes are quite convicting! That is why in each place 'the sons of the prophets' are interacting with Elijah and Elisha. We can ask big things of God! Bethel: House of God, which contains His Presence, Jericho: Walk by Faith because God has taken over. Both, in the pages of Scripture, and the work of the Spirit in our everyday lives. You are not a memory. Jesus walks on the Sea of Galilee. Jehoash king of Israel went down to see him and wept over him. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Map of Israel in the time of Elijah and Elisha - 1_Kings 20 - CSB Study Bible. At the beginning of 2 Kings 2, Elijah travels from Gilgal to Bethel to Jericho to the Jordan before being taken up in the whirlwind. Elijah and Elisha (don't confuse the names!) Elijah is initially presented in 1 Kings 17 as the seer who foretold a three-year drought in the land of Israel. Why wasn't Elijah's credibility affected after unclean birds (ravens) fed him for so long? You are not a force. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. Think also of the second girl who went on to get gold. Joshua has obviously had to much desert sun!'. No, Jesus clearly said that to be His servant would mean that the same principle applied. There is much knowledge and instruction in the Bible. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? my father! Joshua sees this guy, he's got a sword and he looks as if he is going to be a real good fighter and so Joshua obviously wants to know whose side he is on - 'Are you with us, or are you with our enemies?' Elijah was afraid and fled for his life, going to Beer-sheba of Judah. It is, of course, something that we need to be reminded about repeatedly! He cried out, My father! After Elijahs victory over the prophets of Baal when he called down fire from heaven, the drought ended. I love what Major Ian Thomas says about this. Photo Credit: Getty Images/BibleArtLibrary The second stage is to do with a desire for God and a desire for His presence. 3 and Chap. All rights reserved. x. Elijah and Elishas joined legacy proceeded to help Israel even after their lives. Once while some Israelites were boring a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the mans body into Elishas tomb. When it is Elijah's turn he boldly soaks the sacrament with water to display his supreme trust in God to start a fire despite being wet. In fact, this saying is repeated in all four gospels (sometimes more than once) and is one of His most frequent sayings! Elijah must ensured Elisha will continue his legacy to restore God's Kingdom in Isreal. xv. Elisha then mostly reverses this course crossing back over the Jordan, going up to Jericho on to Bethel and from there returning to Samaria. Perhaps the spirit of the LORD has lifted him up and left him on some mountain or in some valley. He answered, Do not send them.e By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. But she didn't. It is my conjecture that the writer of Luke/Acts is drawing a parallelism of the mantle of Elijah coming upon Elisha as a result of him seeing Elijah taken up to heaven (2 Kings 2:10) with that of the mantle of Jesus Christ (the power of the Holy Spirit) coming upon the disciples as they witness the ascension of Jesus Christ. My Father will honour the one who serves me.'. Otherwise they didn't really seek him a heck of a lot. Welcome to BH. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! It's easy to talk about, but it's more than likely that you've got problems. And it will help you to understand better the story of this ordinary person whom God used in an extraordinary way. They were now a separated people, separated from the past, but also separated unto a living God - which is what circumcision speaks of. I found that convicting anyway. You are not a religion. 3. joram. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? God wanted it known and remembered that He is a living God and that He acts on behalf of His people. Gilgal is most like a reference to the location of Israel's first camp in the land and the beginning of their spiritual journey with the Lord as the reproach of Egypt is rolled away. Bethel in Hebrew means the house of God. Elisha was plowing in a field. 17But they kept urging him, until he was embarrassed and said, Send them. So they sent the fifty men, who searched for three days without finding him.f At Gilgal the shame of Egypt was removed (Joshua 5:8-10), when the foreskins of the Israelites were taken away. The Elijah Map A FREE gift to you from Dr. Robert Jeffress This outstanding new resource from Pathway to Victory covers the footsteps of one of God's greatest prophets: Elijah! In good times and in bad. But it was no ordinary battle obviously. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The answer - stones. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. That is summing up Israel's history. Download Story Planner: Elijah anoints Elisha. Deut. Answer me, LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again. 1 Kings 18:37, Elijah means, The LORD is my God. His life and the miracles God worked through him brought glory to God. You have asked a difficult thing, Elijah said, yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yoursotherwise, it will not. 2 Kings 2:9-10. CHAPTER 2. true. 12and Elisha saw it happen. Now I really enjoy the ice hockey and snow boarding. The progression of the armies in Joshua goes from crossing the Jordan to the destruction of Jericho, to a battle at Ai and Bethel, to encampment at Gilgal. Often we get those two things mixed up. The Israelites had moved about in the desert forty years until all the men who were of military age when they left Egypt had died, since they had not obeyed the LORD. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 12; comp. (Mark 9:4-13; Matthew 17:3-13) These two Old Testament witnesses highlight that Jesus represents a realization of Old Testament hope, the NIV Application Commentary explains, since the two figures also span both the early and late periods of Old Testament history. Elijah undoubtably represented an important part of what the ministry of Jesus Christ would ultimately fulfill. 4, v. 5; Hosea iv. Kings Saul, David, & Solomon. Many 19th century church hymns talk of this crossing. probably to be identified with the "Gilgal" of the Joshua narrative. x. * [2:14] The LORD, the God of Elijahwhere is he now? Elishas Journey. In other words, when we depart our terrestrial existence on earth, we "cross the River Jordan" and enter the rest of God. ' (Joshua 5:13). he asks. Please note that this is not a Christian site. 'Look, there's no way, no way at all I am leaving you. It got to the final and everyone crashed, apart from one American girl! The entire Bible tells the story of Jesus, not just the New Testament. Its name could still be found not many years ago in that of a hill I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt, I have separated you from all those taunts that you had that you would never get into the Promised Land'. Their influence led to an awakening among some of the Israelites during a dismal stage of Israel's history. Read the full scripture text of Elijah and Elisha below and find related Articles, Videos, and Sermons! 38 a company Jesus' whole life demonstrated this principle, but it was clearest as He contemplated the cross John 12:23-26 'Jesus said 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God .'. So often we think and act as if God was not even alive. When things were hard or went wrong for them, then they sought Him. This journey is recorded in 2 Kings 2:1-10. That is why I called this section 'the eternal principle'. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? You are not a projection of our imagination. Elisha could have turned back. When I was thinking about those four places, in dawned on me that there is a well know New Testament passage that corresponds to each of these locations. Map showing travels of Elijah and Elisha: The first camping-place of the Israelites in the land west of the As his final destination, instead of returning to Egypt (Gilgal), he returned to Mount Carmel, which is where Elijahs ministry had ended, and where of course Elishas ministry was going to begin. When there are any little hiccups, bumps on the road, we need to remember that God is not going to let us fall. There Elijah is taken up in the whirlwind and Elijahs mantle of power comes to Elisha. Heb 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross. rev2023.3.1.43269. OLD TESTAMENT. And he replied, 'As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you.' Saving faith realizes our purpose is to bring glory to God. While gathering or hanging out, Elisha performed some miracles for the young prophets to see. The effect is to place this scene, which is the central scene in the whole of 12Kings, outside of time. And it was also the very first place that they came to when they entered the Promised Land. One seminary president leaves and another comes amid great ceremony and blessing. Salem Media Group. So this bible study lesson will look at Elisha's walk and the spiritual meaning of the following locations for the believer today: 2 Kings 2:1-6 'When the LORD was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. We should, in our lives, be separated from that which would seek to draw us away from God, and be separated, as living sacrifices, unto the living God. It's important to carry on well and to finish well. Elishas life is a visual reminder of this Scriptural truth. Briefly, the cities seem to have historical significance. Consequences for waywardness are painful, however, Gods love remains unchanged by rebellious behavior. Salem Media Group. Then the LORD said to Joshua, ' See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. of prophets lived, is usually identified with the Jiljilya mentioned To which the guy answers 'No'. Chronology of Elijah & Elisha. Never again shall death or sterility come from it. (See " What is the Meaning and Significance of Gilgal in the Bible? It is probably a story that many Sunday school participants hear many times. At that time, Israel was ruled by corrupted Kings whose evil ways caused the drought from God upon the land. Be still., 4Elijah said to him, Elisha, stay here, please. The location of Gilgal is crucial in this response - the Gilgal mentioned in the battles of Joshua is most likely not the same location as that mentioned in the travels of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah taken up into heaven in the vicinity of Bethel and Gilgal. 16They said, Among your servants are fifty brave men. *, 2Elijah said to Elisha, Stay here, please. But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ, House of God The miracle at Elishas grave was an immediate reminder of this man of God and the miracles which were worked through his life, and a nudge for us to keep firm faith in every part of Gods word. Even the New Testament talks of the anticipated return of Elijah, a role answered by John the Baptist, the precursor or the one to proclaim the arrival of the Messiah. Can anyone remember who gave Bethel its name? The cities of Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho are all situated at the border of Ephraim and Benjamin. He gripped his own garment, tore it into two pieces, Proud member Elisha's Journey Bible Study - Gilgal Bethel Jericho Jordan. of 3 et seq. Jordan River: Expect miracles and crossover the waters, and enter into your Promise Land. Bethel is the House of God and Jericho means the first fruit. It means that you are actually going through a situation where you cannot see how things are going to turn out. 'Look, there's no way, no way at all I am leaving you. Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? uncertaindoes it seem to be the Gilgal mentioned in II Kings ii. Now, I would remind you that this is where Elisha started from. What I wanted to do in this study is actually look at the four places mentioned in 2 Kings 2:1-6. There above it stood the LORD, and He said: 'I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. You already know that Elisha went as far as the Jordan so no prizes!! Orthodox Christianity has fallen to its present lower state from lack of spiritual desire hear many.. Elijah & # x27 ; t confuse the names! fed him so! Elisha went as far as the Jordan so no prizes there heaven in the whole of,. 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