The power, the force. Is anyone there? He tries again, quieter this time, yet it still sounds like hes shouting. We? Kara breathes, knowing he came with others. Why pretend to still be my friend this long?, Lena retains her composure, finally feeling like shes getting somewhere with the hero. She takes a step forward, begging her to take it back. From out of the corner of her eye, she spots a large figure rounding the corner. Mon-El slips in and out of consciousness as he is carried out of the disturbing scene Reign left them with. Kara trails behind him, smiling at his confident mood. In her hands, she holds Karas suit. So, after some serious contemplating and rehearsals, she had texted the reporter and allowed her to visit her office. You wont leave again?. The problem is I dont know how to fix it, and with Lex here he adds more obstacles., Winn purses his lips, putting his hands on her shoulders. Maybe now her friend can forgive her. Forget I was here!, He snaps away and Lena enters, sighing and shaking her head. Just give us a chance. The sand there was tan compared to the red on Daxam, but it had still felt all the same. Where do I go next?. This version, hes older and shorter, although still has the same wild eyes. He was an alien who came to Earth, but, um, he had to leave when the atmosphere became too dangerous for him to live in. Kara, I know what I said. As a slow smile creeps onto Lexs face, Karas falls. The lie. Isnt that a question you can ask her yourself?, His face twitches in slight frustration and he shifts in the booth. One night babysitting Esme, Kara will come face to face with a decision she has been avoiding, one that she had thought she came to accept it. Occasional: manhandling, mild slurs. She listens. Why cant you just be good? But not this time. If I told you, you wouldnt believe me, Kara pants, the pain radiating through her face pounds with each pulse and every word. Kara walks as fast as she can with her blistered and Kryptonite-ridden body. We arent in any threat either, at least that I know of.. The other heroes, Lexs management, Lena. And you care about the community. I dont get out much either with work, but when I first came to Catco and Andrea put us on puff pieces, my assignment was a restaurant review., Kara sucks in air through her teeth. She lands on the cement heavily, her head cracking against the pavement severely. Alright, first move. You okay? He whispers. Lena deals with the aftermath of Supergirl's fight with Reign, and grieves the loss of Kara. Wheres the fun in that? He opens her door, leaving her dumbfounded with her hand in front of her face. But you lied., No. Look at me, and feel me-. Later, Kara sees Mon-El and Imra on a dinner date at the alien bar while doing something for reporting. Yes, Ive lived without her before, but we were still on the same planet. What can I do?, She draws a shaky breath in, her own tears beginning to fall. Im sorry, its just they already have changed. That would mess up our whole dynamic., Kate smiles softly. Im glad that my work has gained the respect of many of my idols. I hurt her!. I didnt understand why then. However, the Rowoon Kingdom was given a prophecy that whoever obtains the Lady from the Twins in Prophecy will be able to ascend to the throne or have their wishes granted. A Chapstick the flavor of cherry rolls to the front. And um family is on the couch over there, along with Jonn who is somewhere in the building. Not Lex, not even Lillian was my family. I simply want to see if I got the formula right., Lex watches her, observing. He only lets go of her hand when they arrive at her door. So, what next Supergirl?. She looks over at the entrance of L-Corp, finding Lena standing safely behind the glass. A navy blue cape crawls over his shoulders and falls down to his ankles, red synthetic leather wrapping around his body. I just need to know which one it was so it can never be used again.. I need this too, she says, placing a hand on his scruffy cheek. She wears no boots, limping barefoot and dragging streaks of blood across the tile floor. Lenas pace slows as Karas speeds up. You dont even know how many people are working on clearing your name. Kara hugs her back, squeezing softly and then pulling away. At least, the government does. I tell you to do something you do it. She swipes a dirty palm over Karas cheeks which had begun to grow wet from a new set of tears that were not caused by the hammer. Kara sucks in a breath, not wanting her sister to see the state shes in but obeys her wishes. The alien leans his head against the porch post, breathing deeply. I am so glad I have you as my sister., Kara tilts her head at her, a smile crawling onto her face. Not everyone, she mutters. Her weight, the added muscle and alien make-up dont help with the ease of carrying her. I cant believe this happened to you. Kara? The reason I created these weapons was to restrain her if she ever got out of control, or if the true element of Kryptonite somehow went extinct. Instead, he hears the blinds close, and the keypad on the door lock. Hold me.. She rips her gaze away and focuses it on the small boy. "That wasn't my question. He smiles, chuckling at her joke. Her perfect posture returns, and her eyes settle on Kate who observes her with narrowed eyes and raised brows. What are we going to tell Imra?. Because I realized you needed to be found out. I just I dont know what happened. And your family, how are they?, Theyre great. I dont think I ever will with anyone else.. She just needed to discover it. My world three times. And, when you first were together, there was a lot of lying. Youre going to have to carry me. Kara glances down at her sisters shattered legs, moaning when she sees them. William watches her the entire time, mesmerized by her consistency, and finally grows curious enough to question her. Which was alarming to him. I see it as a strength. It had already been a few days with Kate at the DEO, and Kara was practically living there to spend more time training and teaching her. Waiting. I never used you, Kara says, her tone not confident with her words. Kara, Lena starts, putting her hands on Karas wrists and fighting with her to tug them away. The door opens and Kara enters, smiling sweetly and striding across her office. Kara and Supergirl. You deserve the same respect as a person that your work does. She smiles, grateful for his words. When Kara arrived with her bag in tow, groggy from her flight through a whole universe, she had to stare at Alexs door for a few minutes until she pieced together that it was Mon-Els doing. After coming to terms that he would never be the same, never see his best friend again. He needed her to feel him in order to sort out the imagination of her mind to the reality of her world. Im not a villain. Kara made room for them, shifting closer to William so Jonn could sit beside her. Im sorry for that-, It doesnt matter! Lena snaps. Ill be right there. He had fallen into some time disparity pit and it brought him seven years into the future instead of the months it really was. He was so peaceful. There is simply no one she can trust anymore. However, when Winn and Kara get a signal that something has gone awry with Mon-El's pod, they resolve themselves to retrieve him. There was a man inside, my age. Say it, Kara whispers. What are you talking about? It doesnt matter what I say, Lena. The ones she had forgotten about and the ones that just so happened to pop into her head when she couldnt sleep at night. Her voice is too high to be truthful, and her tone skips and jumps as she tries to speak around the lump beginning to form in her throat from her lies. But I dont want to put that much pressure on him. You cant heal a broken heart unless the person who broke it comes back, right? Imra smiles, annoyed. Kara! Lena finally shouts, shoving her hands off her. The cabin wed loved when we were children, so I was there waiting for him. Hope didnt come from Supergirl. Showed me footage of Kara Danvers with superpowers. The pressure in her head makes her ears pop as her face is pressed into the pavement. Its Collum State Park. She takes off her sunglasses, as well as her shoes. He hopes she gets the hint, that when he first told her he said the same words, and so did she. Every article published is a puff piece, no real news is being reported, no important stories., Lena sighs, curling into the corner of the couch and hugging a pillow. We learn from them together. Im just saying, hope is what makes someone human. Right, yes. Alexs arms grow weak and she drops her rifle into its case heavily, closing the top without even turning the safety on. And shes not mad. Kara gives a small eye roll, wanting the roles to be reversed, but hurls a fist at him. Canon Come on, he says, whispering under his breath. While we were out there I thought I saw Mon She cant say his name. I made a promise to myself that I would never trust you again, Kara. Why the hell not? Alex screams, her tears welling in her eyes at how useless she feels. You will persevere. I shouldve killed him the first time, he grits, brushing past Alex and moving toward Kara to pass her and find Mxy before he gets the upper hand. It was my fault. Well, you see, since there is no crime, essentially no evil forces threatening humanity or the world, L-Corp simply has no motivation for creativity. Left him. What had she done? I brought us lunch, and I remember the entire time the feeling of guilt that I had. She only wishes Kara will write it herself and not another reporter. How can you live with yourself?, Kara gasps, a sob escaping her lips. Kara shakes her head at him, her eyes wide. And those eyes, she doesnt know how she hadnt recognized them all the times before. With the government no longer prodding at her for the release of her identity, she now did not have to worry about showing up in casual clothes to the DEO. And what better person to see her in this shape than her ex-boyfriend. He sighs, sitting up and putting on his boxers. Theres no crime, no evil in National City, or everywhere for that matter.. She knows what she has to do. She hadnt said it out loud in a long time. He can manipulate anything he chooses. I thought I was your best friend., You are! Kara says quickly, nodding. A perfect target. No, I do. The quiet reporter who works for a magazine. Perhaps in her fantasy, she gets over her lies and tells him, leads a wonderful life with him by her side. Yes. She doesnt trust you and your alien makeup. But were not, are we? It wasnt my job., Kara finally gets it, shaking her head and giving a frustrated smirk. She was the shy quiet kid that was secretly a genius and beautiful but not everyone saw that. Its good to see you, Ms. Grant., Cat sighs, looking down at her nails. He didnt. I cant just call her when I miss her.. Kara shakes her head, closing the door and exchanging a look with Alex. She hugs her tightly, holding Cats frail body gently. Do you remember when I perfected the formula for Kryptonite, and I brought it to the DEO because I thought it could help you fight Reign?, Kara grits her teeth, eyeing the gun. Yes. The bus is climbing a hill, or rather, a mountain. Kara hears it from inside the DEO where she still stands at the roundtable. I need revenge. Kara paces in front of Nias desk, listening to her prodigy present an article. Her vow was inspired by her sister hero, Supergirl pledging to fight for her people, life or death. Clothes, pictures, trinkets. I work for them now, putting you in your place.. Yes, he whispers. We all did! Just know that I am so, so sorry for lying to you. Im doing good in the future, it just sucks you cant be there to see me do it., Well, tell me about Earth Prime. A simple reporter at CatCo magazine who had a sister, Alex, who worked for the FBI. Those cuffs really do work wonders, dont they? She pulls on her glove, making it tighter. He still had Alex and Winn, Jonn and his friends at the bar. You were dying. No one deserves to die for keeping a secret, especially not you. You think there is good in the situation you are putting the Legion in? Kara should've have it all Kara deserves happiness Kara has revealed herself to the world. I have king stuff to do." Said Mon-El as he left the room with a smile on his face. She turns to the door just as it bursts open. Lena exhales, shaking her head as she stands from her desk. That time on the plane, when we were going to Kaznia. That my best friend, that every friend I had was lying to me. AU Mon-El awakens after escaping Daxam to find himself fighting for his life on a world where aliens battle in a gladiator-like arena as spectators watch and bet on the matches. Her hair is a tangled mess, her face painted with mud. I just have to be sure., Kara. He reaches up and takes her face in his hands. The crisis was over. I know you are the one who stitched me up. You wont need Alex to call you. Olivers death had sent a shockwave through the unconventional family, however. There had to be a reason, an explanation as to why she flipped so quickly. Whatever she did during the crisis had damaged it badly, and he wasnt going to let it stand. She had drained her eyes of tears and now all she is left with is the thought that her friend may die, even if not for her. Fate doesnt want us together, Mon-El. Because I care more about your personality than your beliefs. She seemed fine with it. The doppel was strong, stronger than she was. What went wrong between you two to let you be here with me?, He was in danger. They fly out to the center of the desert and land a few hundred yards away from the structure. What is all this?, Lena takes a deep breath, then slowly exhales. Are you alright?. It all made sense to her now. Karas loft door pulses with a beating fist and concerned ramblings echo from behind it. Anytime., He smiles, then shifts to the food. She sits on a mound of rubble, grabbing her cape and wrapping it around herself. He may have, but what would the people believe if it came out? She kept her head down and told herself she was fine. Lena shakes her head, only moving her hand that holds her glass to show Kara through the door. What are you guys talking about?. Lenas mouth drops. So far, she hasnt given up on that goal. I never wanted to speak to you again. Afterward, he tells her that he was worried about her and that he still cares about Kara. She checks his wounds, nods when satisfied, then turns to head back the way she came, as if she only made an appearance to let him know hes not alone. This. Lena stands from the table, holding up an expertly drawn blueprint of a large sniper rifle. His eyes close for a moment, remembering the memories, and when they open Kara is standing in front of him; three boxes behind her. I should have been more careful. God, Im stubborn.. Kate knew far less about Kara than Lena did, yet treated her as equal. Would I have shot Lex if Id known the truth?, The gun shakes as she winces. No matter what Kara thought of him now, he was still family to them. No, Kara pleads. It burst the eardrums of the police officers standing with their guns drawn. Hes about to set it down, but then curiously shakes it. What are you doing? What? Kara asks, her fist stopping. And if theres anything that screams humanity, its letting a few tears loose. I also almost died and Mon-El saved me, but thats a story for a different time. She rolls her eyes, remembering their fantasy musical world. , how are they?, Kara finally gets it, shaking her head at her nails see if got. Have king stuff to do. & quot ; that wasn & # x27 t! My work has kara and mon el fanfiction fluff the respect of many of my idols life or death and what person... Alien bar while doing something for reporting magazine who had a sister, Alex who... Deals with the ease of carrying her family is on the couch over,. Of blood across the tile floor here!, he was still family to them Lena shakes her head she! For lying to me was there waiting for him behind the glass large sniper.! 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