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Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/danzsites/public_html/danzlive/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/constants.php on line 1 App Development – Danzlive
Mobile App Development
We have come to learn that implementing software solutions require covering all the most relevant platforms to our customers needs. This means that we have been required to provide a number of custom mobile application solutions to many different types of industries.
Where do I start?
You have probably found yourself asking this question. We have learnt that every business starts this process from a different point in their operations so we have adapted as required to the needs of our clients. We are able to design from the ground up or come into an existing project that just needs more resources
This is probably the most common question that appears in almost every mobile app project. Do you focus on Android or Apple? We have adopted some of the most recent development languages which enable us to avoid this question almost entirely. It is no longer a concern when the development language already caters to both sides. This means that we code once and implement simultaneously to both platforms. This allows us to streamline the development process as a whole while keeping expenses to a minimum
How do I start?
As each request can be incredibly unique, we need to get a better understanding of your needs through a one on one meeting. here we can ask questions and attempt to provide a solution to your specific requirements. This lets us build a solution that suits you and your budget. Please fill out the contact form below and we will be in contact with you to arrange a meeting at your soonest availability.